Some Recommended Reading…

Periodically, people ask me what I’ve been reading lately, so I thought I’d recommend a few books that may interest you. Right now, I’m working my way through N. T. Wright’s book, SURPRISED BY HOPE. It’s a really good book. In fact, I highly recommend any of N. T. Wright’s books!

I’ve also recently finished reading a few other books including, BLUE LIKE JAZZ, by Donald Miller, A GENEROUS ORTHODOXY, by Brian McLaren, and CHRISTIANITY UNSHACKLED, by Harold Eberle. And, if you’re looking for a different take on Matthew 24, Luke 21, and the Book of Revelation, you can go online and look for Harold Eberle’s PDF file entitled A VICTORIOUS ESCHATOLOGY. It’s absolutely free and it contains some very interesting information.

Since I read a lot of books, I’ll continue to keep you informed about what I think may be good resource materials for you to read. I’d also love your input about any books you’d recommend as well. I look forward to hearing from you!

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